Cooking For Tuesdays

Just a little of what I like to cook.

TWD blueberry yumminess!

on July 31, 2012


i feel lazy, this is the only recipe i did this month. i had all intentions of doing the other 2, but no luck in finding the semolina flour and time got away from me on all of it. πŸ™‚ but, i did the best recipe, i think.

recipes are here: and here:

so, to start. i dragged this one out all month. i tried to do this in my processor, but forgot to cut the recipe in half! oops!


so, i moved it to a bowl and did it by hand. the butter didn’t incorporate perfectly, but that did not effect the outcome of this one!


so, i wrapped this in quarters because i knew i would eed all 4… i made 2 pies! and a good thing i did too, lol, because they disappeared… too many people wanted some of it πŸ˜‰ and this is one time i don’t really mind sharing a slice of the pie!





lot of pics of the fruit. i LOVE fruit. i mean, if i had my choice, i’d eat fruit ALL the time. but, budgets don’t always allow or that. πŸ™‚ no matter, i have fruit around as often as i can, which sometimes, isn’t all that often. because everyone here eats it right away!



pie 1 done πŸ™‚


i had a little extra filling here, but oh well!! YUM!


ready to bake πŸ™‚



it came out runny. not sure if i didn’t cook the fruit down enough or what, but we didn’t care. called it pie-like cobbler and ate it anyway. πŸ™‚


the ice cream made it πŸ™‚ we had a whole pie to ourselves, but shared the other. half to my grandparents (where i hope my grandpa had some! my grandma was drooling as soon as we walked in! she has horrible sweet tooth! “it’s fruit, it has to be healthy!”) and half to some friends of mine.

so, all in all, i’m very glad i did this one! i wish my mom could have tasted it, she LOVES peaches and nectarines.

6 responses to “TWD blueberry yumminess!

  1. Teresa says:

    Great job – they both turned out perfectly. You’re a great granddaughter, too – good for you sharing with your grandparents.

  2. Cynthia L says:

    Great post! I should have added ice cream to my pie! Next time.

  3. vrolok1977 says:

    thank you, to both πŸ™‚ one friend told me i should have peeled the nectarines while his roommate told him to hush, he didn’t know what he was talking about! πŸ™‚ this is definitely a go-to pie. the crust was the best i have ever had.

  4. Ckay says:

    Ahahahah it happended the same to me: too small food processor (until I found out – when I’d finished the dough in the stand mixer -. that I had done one batch instead of 1/2 ….grrrrr!)…-Nevermind!

    You made two wonderful pies and a lovely step by step description.

  5. vrolok1977 says:

    LOL, that’s why i decided to make 2 pies! πŸ˜‰ that and i just KNEW it would be good… i mean… blueberries in a pie? what could go wrong!

  6. Cathleen says:

    Your pies look beautiful! Mine turned out runny also. I’m with you on the fruit – I could very easily live on fruit alone!

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